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You've done it before,
You can do it again!

We see you. We see your potential.

Do you remember what it felt like the first time you got a squat PR?

Or learnt to do the swing or pressed that heavy bell overhead?
It’s such pure joy, right?

We want that and more for you, again. Yes, life in general (and specifically Covid) got in the way and maybe it isn’t what it used to be like a couple of years ago. But you’ve made it work before and we are confident you can find a place for fitness in your life once again.

And as your coaches, we want to help you find your way back to living your best life. And we truly believe that strength training at The Quad has a place in that life!



11+ years in the fitness industry, pioneered strength training and functional fitness in India in 2011.
Worked with 7000+ people, across 4 centres in Chennai and 25+ cities worldwide
Countless success stories, strong community support
Guidance and mentoring from world-class, experienced, certified coaches
Goal-oriented training that prioritises safety, progress and fun
Revamped in-person and virtual training options with flexible timings